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LICENSE | || | || |
A script to fully install the latest Invoice Ninja. Prompts are provided for you to enter details in.
This script is for installing Invoice Ninja 5 on a fresh vanilla debian server.
Please consider making me small donation. Even though my scripts are open source and free to use, I still need to eat. And the occasional bottle of wine also goes down well.
- $5 buys me a cup of coffee
- $10 buys me a nice burger
- $20 buys me a bottle of wine
- Anything above that will be awesome as well.
You can send me a donation via Paypal
Drop me a message on Reddit if you do make a donation. u/thisiszeev
Support is only offered freely to those who donate $20 or more.
Your donation contributes to further development.
If you need a custom script, contact me on Reddit for pricing.
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Your email address will not be used for any other purpose than to be notifed, not more than once a week, of updates to this or any of the other repos I have on this server. You can also ask me to remove you from the list at anytime, and I will comply.