#!/bin/bash move=false if [[ ! -z $2 ]]; then if [[ $2 == "move" ]]; then move=true elif [[ $2 == "sync" ]]; then move=false fi fi size=$( wc -l < $1 ) ((size++)) temp=$( cat $1 | head -1 ) server=( $temp ) echo "From Server: ${server[0]}" echo "Dest Server: ${server[1]}" for ((pos=2; pos<$size; pos++)) do temp=$( cat $1 | head -n $pos | tail -1 ) email=( $temp ) echo "Number: $((pos-1)) of $((size-2))" echo "From Email: ${email[0]}" echo "Password: ${email[1]}" echo "To Email: ${email[2]}" echo "Password: ${email[3]}" echo "Number: $((pos-1)) of $((size-2))" > status.tmp echo "Email: ${email[2]}" >> status.tmp echo "Password: ${email[3]}" >> status.tmp echo "" if [[ $move == true ]]; then echo "Moving mails..." ./imapsync --host1 "${server[0]}" --host2 "${server[1]}" --password1 "${email[1]}" --password2 "${email[3]}" --user1 "${email[0]}" --user2 "${email[2]}" --noemailreport1 --noemailreport2 --delete --noexpunge elif [[ $move == false ]]; then echo "Copying mails..." ./imapsync --host1 "${server[0]}" --host2 "${server[1]}" --password1 "${email[1]}" --password2 "${email[3]}" --user1 "${email[0]}" --user2 "${email[2]}" --noemailreport1 --noemailreport2 --nossl1 --nossl2 --notls1 --notls2 else echo "ERROR" exit 1 fi echo "" #wget -O mailsync.json "https://api.telegram.org/{putkeyhere}/sendMessage?chat_id={putchannelhere}&text=${email[2]}%20Synced!" rm mailsync.json done rm status.tmp